industrial plastic shredder machine

Industrial plastic shredder machine motor speed is either high speed or low speed. When purchasing, you need to consider choosing the appropriate motor speed according to the hardness and melting point of the material to be processed and other elements. Attention should also be paid to factors such as the quality and performance of the crusher machine for plastic crushing.

Industrial plastic shredder machine motor

Plastic shredder recycling machine motors can be divided into two types high speed and low speed according to relevant standards. Among them, the high-speed motor speed is generally above 2900 rpm, which is suitable for crushing plastics with high hardness. The low-speed motor speed, on the other hand, is below 1450 rpm, which is suitable for handling plastics that are easy to melt.

plastic wrapper shredder

How to choose the motor?

Selection of industrial plastic shredder machine motor, according to the hardness of the crushing object, crushing size, and other factors to choose. If you need to crush the high hardness of the plastic, you should choose a high-speed motor; if it is easy to melt the plastic, you should choose a low-speed motor.

plastic recycling shredder machine

At the same time, the purchase of a crusher machine for plastic crushing should also pay attention to the practicality of the equipment, performance parameters, brand reputation, and other aspects to ensure the quality and performance of the plastic shredder recycling machine.

plastic scrap crusher machine