water bottle crusher machine

Mastering the skills of using the water bottle crusher machine can improve its processing efficiency and service life. It can also process plastic waste more effectively and contribute to the cause of environmental protection.

Installation of water bottle crusher machine

When carrying out the installation of the bottle crusher for recycling, pay attention to the level and verticality of the equipment to ensure that it is stable and does not move. It is also necessary to ensure that the PET bottle recycling plastic crusher machine is well-ventilated firmly and reliably connected to the power supply and pipeline.

plastic shredding equipment

Bottle crusher for recycling commissioning

For the newly installed water bottle crusher machine, it is necessary to carry out the necessary debugging work, including the inspection and adjustment of the electrical system and mechanical systems. After the commissioning is completed, it is necessary to carry out a no-load test run and a test run with load to ensure that the PET bottle recycling plastic crusher machine can operate normally.

plastic recycle machine crusher

routine maintenance

The following points should also be noted when using the water bottle crusher machine:

  1. First classify and clean the plastic waste, to reduce the load of the PET bottle recycling plastic crusher machine.
  2. The amount of plastic waste feed and feed rate should be appropriate to avoid bottle crushers for recycling failure caused by feeding too fast or feeding too much.
  3. The electrical system and mechanical systems of the water bottle crusher machine need to pay attention to safety issues, to avoid accidents caused by negligence.
  4. In the process of use, we should always observe the operating status of the bottle crusher for recycling, once found abnormalities should be immediately shut down for maintenance.
waste plastic shredding machine