In Switzerland, the dairy industry is undergoing a major shift with the transition from polyethylene (PE) to polyethylene terephthalate (PET) for milk bottles. Both materials are in circulation during this transition phase.

Change in milk bottle material

Starting in the summer of 2023, PET dairy packaging bearing the blue and yellow logo of PET Recycling Switzerland can be recycled through a specialized PET recycling system, thus initiating a closed-loop recycling system.

PET milk bottle

All bottles with this logo are part of a separate recycling range for PET beverage bottles. New PET milk bottles can be either clear or white.

PE bottle

Bottles with this symbol or without a recycling reference are not allowed in the PET range. They remain part of the separate collection of plastic bottles

PET recycling labeling in Switzerland

The Swiss PET recycling sign indicates that PET bottles containing dairy products must be placed in a dedicated PET collection. Other plastic bottles continue to be stored in the plastic bottle collection.

The technological demand for recycling PET beverage bottles containing dairy products can be met by investing in sorting and recycling facilities, such as the recently expanded PET sorting plant at Müller Recycling AG in Frauenfeld.

plastic bottle recycling line
PET bottle recycling system

These advances ensure that after the transition phase, PET bottles can be effectively recycled in a closed-loop system within Switzerland.