mstari wa chupa ya plastiki

Laini ya kuosha chupa za PET ni laini kamili ya kuchakata inayoundwa na mashine kadhaa kuu kama vile kichungio cha chupa ya maji ya plastiki, mashine ya kuondoa lebo, mashine ya kuosha flakes ya plastiki, mashine ya kuondoa maji ya plastiki, na kadhalika. Kazi yake kuu ni kubadilisha taka za chupa za plastiki zilizorejeshwa kuwa flakes safi za PET kupitia msururu wa michakato. Kwa aina tofauti za chupa za plastiki na mahitaji ya usindikaji, Shuliy inaweza kubinafsisha muundo ili kukidhi matakwa yako mahususi ya kuchakata chupa.

PET bottle recycling equipment

Why Recycle PET Bottles?

Recycling PET bottles has direct economic benefits for both recyclers and producers. Recyclers can sell the processed PET bottle flakes to producers for a profit. For producers, using recycled PET bottle flakes instead of new raw materials can significantly reduce raw material costs, especially saving money in mass production. Next, we will introduce how to recycle PET bottles

PET Bottle Flakes Production Process

  • De-labeling: Remove the labels from the surface of PET bottles.
  • Crushing: PET bottles with labels removed are crushed into small pieces.
  • Separation of caps and flakes: The lighter caps are separated from the heavier flakes by floating and sinking separation technology.
  • Hot washing: Use hot water to wash bottle pieces to remove oil and residue.
  • Friction Cleaning: Further friction cleaning ensures complete removal of dirt.
  • Rinsing: Rinsing with clean water to remove cleaning agents and residual impurities.
  • Drying: Finally, the cleaned bottle flakes are dried to get dry PET bottle flakes.
Mstari wa kuosha chupa za PET

Raw Material For PET Bottle Recycling Plant

Malighafi kuu ya laini ya kuosha chupa za PET hutumiwa chupa za PET kama vile chupa za maji ya madini, chupa za vinywaji, chupa za cola, chupa za maziwa, vyombo vya plastiki, na kadhalika. Matofali ya chupa ya plastiki yaliyobanwa yanahitaji kufunguliwa kwa mashine ya kopo ya bale kabla ya kusagwa. Chupa hizi hukusanywa, kupangwa, na kisha kusindika kupitia mashine ya kuchakata chupa za plastiki. Bidhaa ya mwisho ya mchakato huu ni flakes safi za PET.

High-Quality PET Flakes

The color of PET bottle flakes and the quality of the final product affect its price. The higher the degree of cleaning and processing, the fewer the impurities, and the higher the price of PET bottle flakes, and high-quality clear flakes are usually more expensive than colored flakes.

The bottle flakes produced by our PET bottle recycling machine can meet the standard in terms of dryness, characteristic viscosity, pH value, and impurity content.

PET Bottle Recycling Machine Introduction

Laini ya kuosha chupa za PET ina mashine kadhaa moja, ambayo kila moja ina jukumu tofauti, na hufanya kazi pamoja ili kukamilisha mchakato wa kuchakata na kuosha chupa za plastiki.

Mashine ya kuondoa lebo ya PET

PET Bottle Label Remover

The label remover machine has multiple carbide blades inside, removing 98% of PVC labels and reducing the PVC content in PET bottle flakes.

PET flakes kuosha line

PET Crushing Machine

Hatua iliyofuata ilikuwa kutumia a PET kusagwa mashine kuponda chupa za plastiki vipande vipande baada ya lebo kuondolewa. Baada ya mfululizo wa michakato ya kusafisha, flakes hizi huwa bidhaa ya mwisho tunayohitaji--vipande vya chupa za plastiki zilizorejeshwa.

tank ya kuelea ya plastiki

Plastic Float Sink Tank

Sink float plastic separation utilizes density to separate PET bottle flakes from PP bottle caps. The bottle flakes sink and are transported to the next process, while the cap floats and flows out.

PET flakes mashine ya kuosha moto

Hot Water Washing Tank

The hot water washing tank washes plastic bottle flakes through high-temperature water and chemical detergent. This effectively removes dirt, grease, residue, and other contaminants from the surface of the bottle chips, ensuring the cleanliness of the plastic bottle chips.

washer wa msuguano

Friction Washing Machine

The washer wa msuguano removes the impurities and chemical detergents attached to the bottle flakes to meet the recycling standards for reclaimed bottle flakes.

mashine ya kuondoa maji ya plastiki

Plastic Chips Dryer Machine

This mashine ya kuondoa maji ya plastiki can remove 95%-98% of water, and with drying pipes at the back, the water can be further controlled at 0.5-1%.

Video of PET Bottle Washing Line

3D video of 1000kg/h PET bottle washing line

FAQ About Plastic Bottle Recycling Machine

What Is The Output Range of The Plastic Bottle Recycling Plant?

The standard output of this PET bottle washing line ranges from 500 kg/h to 6000 kg/h.

What Are The Plant Area Requirements For This Production Line?

500 to 1000 square meters. Production lines with large volumes require a larger area.

How To Install The PET Bottle Recycling Machine?

We offer online instruction or on-site assistance with installation.

What Countries Has The Equipment Been Exported To?

Our PET bottle washing line has been exported to Nigeria, South Sudan, Mozambique, Congo, Kenya, Tanzania, Iraq, Saudi Arabia and other countries.

mashine ya kuchakata chupa za plastiki
mstari wa kuchakata chupa za plastiki
Kiwanda cha kuchakata chupa za PET

Benefits of Shuliy PET Bottle Washing Line

  • The PET bottle flakes produced are of high quality and can be used directly in the production of plastic products.
  • The entire PET bottle washing line supports a customized design, which can flexibly adapt to the customer’s plant layout and production needs.
  • With the high degree of automation, a 1000kg/h production line requires only 6-8 manual operations, significantly reducing labor costs, while improving production efficiency.

Recycling Project Display

Wateja kutoka Msumbiji, Kongo, na Kenya wamenunua laini za kuosha chupa za PET kutoka kwa kampuni yetu. Walikuwa wakikabiliwa na changamoto katika kuchakata taka za chupa za plastiki. Mashine yetu ya kuchakata chupa za plastiki iliwapatia suluhisho endelevu ambalo liliwasaidia kutatua tatizo hili.