compactador de espuma horizontal

The styrofoam compactor is a specialized piece of equipment designed to process EPS (Polystyrene Foam) and is designed to effectively reduce the volume of the foam material. The equipment compresses EPS foam into tight blocks through high pressure for easy storage and transport.

Introduction of Styrofoam Compactor

The structure of an EPS compactor usually consists of an inlet, compression chamber, and outlet, which makes it easy to operate and suitable for recycling operations of all sizes. Its efficient compression capacity not only reduces transport costs but also improves recycling efficiency, making it an important and indispensable piece of equipment in the foam recycling industry. By using EPS compressors, companies can effectively manage foam waste and reuse resources.

It is worth mentioning that the foam compactor machine does not require high-temperature treatment when compressing the foam, which is the main difference between it and the maquina para derretir espuma.

foam compactor

Advantages of EPS compactor

  • High compression ratio: EPS foam can be effectively compressed into dense blocks or boards, with a high compression ratio of 40 times, greatly reducing the volume.
  • No odor: Adopting the cold pressing method, no odor will be produced during the working process.
  • Easy to maintain: EPS foam compactor structure is simple. Maintenance and upkeep are relatively easy, which can reduce the maintenance cost.
  • Space saving: compressed blocks take up less storage space and are easier to manage.
  • Reduced transport costs: Reduce overall transport costs by reducing the amount of space required during transport.

How Does The EPS Foam Compactor Work?

  1. Primero, el material de espuma de desecho se coloca en la entrada del compactador de reciclaje de espuma de poliestireno EPS.
  2. The crushing device crushes the EPS foam into small pieces.
  3. El compactador de poliestireno está activado. Un dispositivo mecánico o sistema hidráulico comienza a aplicar una presión uniforme y continua a la espuma.
  4. Bajo presión continua, el material de espuma se comprime gradualmente en bloques o losas más densos.
  5. Los bloques o tableros de espuma comprimida se pueden retirar del puerto de descarga de la máquina compactadora de espuma para su posterior almacenamiento, transporte o reprocesamiento.
proceso de salida de bloques de espuma

Working Video of EPS Compactor Machine

2 Types of Densifier Machines

We offer two types of densifier machines, vertical and horizontal. Vertical EPS styrofoam compactor adopts the top feeding method, which is easy to operate and suitable for occasions with small space; while horizontal foam compactor adopts side feeding method, with the inlet flush with the ground, which is convenient for quick material placement. These two designs have their advantages, and you can choose the right equipment according to your specific needs.

Vertical EPS styrofoam compactor

Parameters of Styrofoam Compactor

Índice de compresión40:01:0040:01:0040:01:0040:01:00
Tamaño de entrada (mm)600*800*1400600*800*1400800*900*1400800*900*1600
Tamaño de salida (mm)260*260280*280350*350400*400
Si necesita otros tamaños de salida, no dude en dejar un mensaje en el sitio web

Successful Case

One of our customers from Malaysia was faced with the problem of disposing of a large amount of foam waste. These foam wastes took up a lot of space during transportation and storage, which caused great difficulties in recycling. After consultation and analysis by Shuliy’s professional team, we recommended our styrofoam compactor to our customers to solve this problem.
El cliente ha reducido significativamente el volumen de espuma después de utilizar el compactador de espuma EPS. Esto les permitió almacenar y transportar los residuos de manera más eficiente, ahorrando importantes recursos y costos.

For more details: Compactador de espuma de poliestireno EPS enviado a Malasia